You'll want to build walls, recruit soldiers to defend them, and construct wall towers, and upgrade defences with weapon emplacements.

You'll already have the resource infrastructure to advance to the Imperial Age in place, so it's just a case of waiting until you can, and preparing defences in the meantime. When building walls, consider resource-deposit locations, so your villagers won't have to leave the boundaries in the near-future to get what you need. Recruit some villagers to harvest stone, and use your excess wood and food to get some troops to defend your villagers while they build walls at key points. Now you're in the Castle Age, your focus should be turtling up if you plan to win by a wonder victory. If you are building a defensive landmark, make sure it covers your outlying villagers harvesting wood and gold, so they can't be picked off by enemy soldiers. As soon as you can, advance to the Castle Age.Recruit two more villagers and put them on gold.This will give you a fall back when you run out of sheep, which you should do shortly. Set the two villagers back on wood until you have enough to build a mill by the nearby berry bushes.But if they aren't poking at your borders yet, we recommend these steps: If your opponents are starting to encroach and you have no defensive or recruitment-based landmark, it might be worth building a barracks. Once your villagers have finished building the landmark, you should already be well on your way to advancing to the Castle Age. If you're trying to win via wonder, we recommend prioritising landmarks that are either defense, such as The White Tower, or that can also act as recruitment buildings. Use your two lumber villagers to build the landmark.By this time you should be ready to advance to the Feudal Age.Recruit two more villagers and have them build a lumber camp.